During summer season, it is very difficult to maintain room temperature or comfortable temperature of room due to outside condition of surrounding. During summer season outside temperature reaches more than 35 deg Celsius.

During this condition it will be very difficult to do any task at home. middle class family is always facing this problem. Then what can we do. There are several way to make your room cooler without ac during summer seasons?

In this article i have discussed some point that will definitely help you to make your room cooler without ac.

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(how to make your room cooler without ac)

How to make your room cooler without ac ?

There are several ways to make your room cooler without an AC. Here are some tips:

  1. Keep your curtains and blinds closed during the day to prevent the sun from heating up your room.
  2. Use a fan or ceiling fan to create airflow in your room. A fan can help to circulate the air and make you feel cooler.
  3. Open your windows at night to let in cool air. Close them during the day to keep out hot air.
  4. Use a dehumidifier to reduce the moisture in the air. High humidity can make your room feel warmer.
  5. Use a spray bottle filled with cold water to mist yourself and your surroundings.
  6. Place a bowl of ice in front of a fan to create a cool breeze.
  7. Use light-colored or cotton bed sheets, which are breathable and can help to keep you cool.
  8. Avoid using heat-generating appliances, such as ovens and stovetops, during the day.
  9. Use a cooling pad or pillow to help regulate your body temperature while sleeping.
  10. Consider investing in window film or shades designed to block out the sun’s rays and reduce heat gain.

    1. Cover Window

    Why to cover window during summer season?

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    how to make your room cooler without ac

    Covering windows during the summer season is beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, it can help to reduce the amount of heat that enters your home, which can help to keep the indoor temperature cooler and more comfortable. When sunlight enters through the windows, it can heat up the air inside, making it warmer and more uncomfortable.

    Secondly, covering windows can also help to reduce the amount of ultraviolet (UV) rays that enter your home. UV rays can cause damage to your skin, furniture, and other household items over time, so reducing their exposure can help to prolong the life of your belongings and protect your health.

    Thirdly, covering windows can help to reduce your energy bills by decreasing the amount of energy needed to cool your home. When sunlight enters through the windows, it can increase the workload on your air conditioning system, which can lead to higher energy consumption and higher utility bills.

    Finally, covering windows can also provide privacy and security for your home, which can help to deter burglars and protect your family and belongings. Overall, covering windows during the summer season can provide several benefits and is a simple and effective way to improve your indoor comfort, protect your health and belongings, and save energy and money and help to make your room cooler without ac.

    2. Use of Fans or ceiling fans.

    Using fans in summers is beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, fans help to create a cool breeze that can help to lower your body temperature and make you feel more comfortable. The air movement from a fan can help to evaporate sweat on your skin, which can help to cool you down.

    Secondly, fans can help to circulate the air in your home, which can help to reduce the concentration of indoor pollutants such as dust, pet dander, and allergens. This can improve indoor air quality and help to reduce the risk of respiratory problems.

    Thirdly, fans are more energy-efficient than air conditioning systems and can help to reduce your energy bills. Running a fan consumes less electricity than running an air conditioner, and using a fan in conjunction with an air conditioning system can help to reduce the workload on the AC unit and lower your energy consumption.

    Finally, fans are versatile and portable, and can be used in a variety of settings, such as bedrooms, living rooms, and outdoor spaces. They come in a range of sizes and styles, and can be adjusted to suit your preferences, making them a convenient and cost-effective way to stay cool during the summer months and help to make your room cooler without ac.

    3. Open Windows During Night Time.

    Opening windows at night during the summer season is important for several reasons. Firstly, the temperature outside is generally cooler at night than during the day, so opening your windows can allow cooler air to enter your home, which can help to lower the indoor temperature and make you feel more comfortable. This can help to reduce the need for air conditioning or other cooling systems, which can save energy and reduce your utility bills.

    Secondly, opening windows at night can help to improve indoor air quality by allowing fresh air to circulate through your home. This can help to reduce the concentration of indoor pollutants, such as dust, pet dander, and allergens, which can accumulate in your home and affect your respiratory health.

    Thirdly, opening windows at night can help to reduce humidity levels in your home. Humidity can make your home feel hotter and more uncomfortable, and can also promote the growth of mold and mildew, which can be harmful to your health. Allowing fresh air to circulate through your home can help to reduce indoor humidity levels and improve indoor air quality and help to make your room cooler without ac.

    4. Skip Heat Producing Appliances.

    Skipping the use of heat-producing appliances during the summer season is a good idea for several reasons. Firstly, heat-producing appliances such as ovens, stoves, and dryers can increase the temperature inside your home, which can make it more uncomfortable and increase the workload on your cooling system. By avoiding the use of these appliances, you can help to reduce the amount of heat generated inside your home and keep your indoor temperature lower.

    Secondly, heat-producing appliances can also increase your energy consumption and utility bills. When you use appliances that generate heat, such as ovens and dryers, your air conditioning system has to work harder to keep your home cool, which can lead to higher energy consumption and higher utility bills. By skipping the use of these appliances or using them during cooler times of the day, you can help to reduce your energy consumption and save money on your utility bills and help to make your room cooler without ac.

    Thirdly, skipping the use of heat-producing appliances during the summer season can also help to improve indoor air quality. When you cook or dry clothes, the process can generate smoke, fumes, and other pollutants that can affect your indoor air quality and your respiratory health. By avoiding the use of these appliances or using them during cooler times of the day, you can help to reduce indoor pollutants and improve your indoor air quality.

    Overall, skipping the use of heat-producing appliances during the summer season is a simple and effective way to stay cool, save energy, and improve your indoor air quality.

    5. Turn on exhaust fan.

    Turning on the exhaust fan during the summer season is a good idea for several reasons. Firstly, exhaust fans can help to remove hot and humid air from your home, which can help to reduce the indoor temperature and make you feel more comfortable. This can be particularly useful in areas of your home that tend to be hotter, such as kitchens and bathrooms.

    Secondly, exhaust fans can help to improve indoor air quality by removing pollutants, such as cooking fumes, smoke, and moisture, from your home. By removing these pollutants, you can help to reduce the risk of respiratory problems and improve your overall health and well-being.

    Thirdly, exhaust fans can help to reduce the workload on your air conditioning system, which can help to save energy and reduce your utility bills. When you use an exhaust fan to remove hot and humid air from your home, you can help to reduce the amount of work that your air conditioning system has to do to keep your home cool.

    Finally, exhaust fans can be useful for creating a comfortable and refreshing breeze in your home. By positioning an exhaust fan near an open window or door, you can create a cross-breeze that can help to circulate fresh air throughout your home and create a more pleasant environment.

    Overall, turning on the exhaust fan during the summer season can provide several benefits, including improved indoor air quality, reduced indoor temperature, energy savings, and a more comfortable and refreshing environment and help to make your room cooler without ac.